For the longest time, I didn't know why I behaved the way I did, I just knew that I had a tendency to "go crazy" when I really liked a guy.

I was always fine when I was alone. I was fine being single. I was fun, laid back, easy going, chill. And in the beginning of dating I was often the same.

But was like some kind of demon would possess my body. If I didn't hear from a guy regularly enough, I would become consumed by wondering what went wrong. Was he still into me? Did you move on? Is this all a house of cards that's going to come crashing down on me?

I would usually play it cool on the outside, but internally be anxious, spiraling. Sometimes I would be suspicious or jealous. Other times I would be resentful and angry.

In a relationship things would often be chaotic. A lot of fighting- which would almost always involve me just ENDING things, hoping that the guy would beg for me to come back. But the worst was once a relationship ended. I would have the hardest time accepting it was over.

Eventually, I learned these were all symptoms of fearful-avoidant attachment; with a strong emphasis on the anxious patterning. It wasn't because I was crazy, needy, or clingy; I was just acting out of my own unresolved trauma wounds.

But simply learning about my attachment style did very little to heal my attachment wounds. Sure, I now knew a lot about my patterning. I understood it.

I tried to behave differently. Sometimes I would succeed for a while. But eventually, I would snap. I would inevitably revert back to my old patterning.

That's because I never actually healed the wounds that were causing the behavior. Awareness is just the first step, but you have to heal to actually see changes.

Healing requires actually getting into your brain & rewiring it. Neutralizing the trauma that causes your attachment behavior, and then imprinting new beliefs that make you show up with secure attachment.

I have created a modality that does just that. My guided meditations use elements from hypnosis, NLP, breathwork, somatic body work, neuroplasticity, and EMDR to actually rewire your brain into that of someone with secure attachment.

You won't have to distract yourself when you are spiraling waiting for a text.

You won't have to try to force yourself to act less needy.

You won't be afraid of a relationship falling apart.

You'll never have to fear pushing someone away again.

Those will all be patterns of the past. Once you go through my healing modality, showing up as a secure person will come naturally.

This course is how I healed my attachment wounds & how I am now in a secure, healthy, loving, fulfilling relationship. I want everyone to be able to experience this too. I want everyone to feel free and happy in dating. I want you to feel ready to meet your person.